EDTC 808: Summer Institute II - Dr. Carnahan
This course is the second five-week intensive summer seminar for Year II doctoral cohort candidates. The course focuses on building the skills, knowledge, understanding and commitment necessary to become effective leaders in a variety of organizational settings. (Summer 2016)
Jobs Project
This assignment required us to research jobs in the K-12, Higher Ed, and Corporate fields, discuss the requirements, similarities and differences and reflect on our preparedness for our dream job.
As an ongoing and constantly evolving document, our PGP is updated at the beginning of each semester to reflect the professional growth attained during the semester.
EDTC 805: Cross-discipline Studies in Technology - Dr. Zieger
The focus of this course is exploration and evaluation of advanced and emergent technologies and the means by which educational and training leaders learn about them and sustain them in a learning environment. This course assists educational and corporate professionals to develop innovative educational and organization practices across disciplines. (Fall 2015)
Together with Fahima Bacha, Richard Cottone, and Luis Ramirez our group created a Presi which assessed the potential educational strengths and limits of robotics and suggested an agenda for future research.
For this project I wrote a proposal and subsequently presented at the annual Council for Exceptional Children Conference on Dyslexia.
Google Theme Park
For this assignment I created a web based learning environment about Google.
EDTC 807: Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum - Dr. Shamburg
This course will provide candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the landscape of implementation and evaluation of educational technology programs. The philosophies, methods, and processes of curriculum design in educational technology will provide the framework for curricular models; resources for decision making; and evaluation methods for educational and corporate settings. (Spring 2016)
For this assignment I researched the origin and curricular applications of Progressivism and how it relates to technology.
This assignment investigated the history, applications and critiques of Bloom's Taxonomy in curriculum, instruction and educational research.
In this group project I collaborated with Richard Cottone, Luis Ramirez and Ruth-Ann Sokol to develop recommendations for technology use in an early childhood program.
For this assignment I researched and described five diverse business initiatives in the area of robotics in education.
EDTC 814: Advanced Effective Models of E-Learning - Dr. Zieger
At an advanced level, this course focuses on concepts and strategies necessary to step into a leadership role in the integration and application of technology and E-learning. Students explore delivering instruction through multimedia and/or multiple modalities with a focus on matching appropriate technologies to learning outcomes. Students will also explore the role of leadership in balancing the priorities of technology integration and curriculum decisions. (Summer 2016)
Expedition Everest Simulation Case Study
In this exercise, I learned how to build, participate in, and lead teams more effectively.
For this assignment, I researched and created a needs analysis and a set of goals/objectives for each of the case studies we were presented.
For this assignment, I created and shared a vision of e-learning for a workplace, generating a technology plan that supported my vision, and wrote a proposal seeking funding for the plan.

EDTC 816: Advanced Methods for Building Online Communities - Dr. Zieger
This course provides a background in theory and practice surrounding online interactive environments. It is concerned with the practical issues of design and use of online tools to support communities. Assignments include weekly readings, design sketches, critiques of existing systems and a final design project. (Spring 2017)
For this assignment, I compared two exemplars of online communities with the goal of discovering what makes them
exemplary and creating my own definition of what makes an online community.
For this group project, Meredith Moore, Ruth-Ann Sokol and I contacted and interviewed creators of existing online
communities to gain a better understanding of the steps community leaders take to ensure the progress and success of their
online community.
Design of an Online Community Paper and Website
In this assignment I created an online community which focused on the use of robotics for teachers of students with disabilities.
EDTC 817: Advanced Developing and Managing Distance Learning Programs - Dr. Carnahan
This course presents the theory and techniques for developing and managing an online program. It focuses on theory and trends in distance learning, with special emphasis on determining ways to provide a high quality of education in a distance environment.
(Summer 2017)